Membercare Insurance offers a complete health insurance package for missionaries working outside their home country. The purpose of Membercare Insurance is to enable missionaries in all parts of the world to effect a payable health insurance with coverage.

Membercare Insurance, aware of the growing need for missionaries to be insured if an illness or accident occurs, is – due to her 15 years experience in cross-cultural health issues – able to offer a feable insurance package. Mission agencies like the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission support the initiative of Membercare Insurance.

For whom

There are only two criteria for effecting this insurance: Firstly you need to be involved in (holistic) missional work and secondly you are working outside of your home country. For that reason you are asked to inform us about the mission body (agency / network, church or national movement) that confirms your status.

Health Insurance

Membercare Insurance offers a real health insurance. This is a unique difference with the “travel” insurance offered by most of the other companies presenting a type of health insurance for expats. This means that much more is covered under the Membercare Insurance policy. Also the maximum amount covered is remarkably higher and available per event. (minimum coverage is € 500.000 / event). Still the premiums are comparable with the “travel” insurances concerned. You already purchase an insurance for € 450 / year!

Click here to download application and claim forms.

Some case studies

Appendicitis in Chile
In a fully equipped hospital with a specialist able to perform a laparascopic surgery the operation and stay in the hospital will be approximately € 6.500,-

A (complicated) broken leg in Germany
Here we consider a complicated broken leg to be an open fracture (“open being caused by the accident, e.g. the bones are displayed at arrival to the hospital) For staying in a German hospital the average price per day is approximately €1.150,-.
One is normally hospitalised for at least 2 weeks, so estimated price would be between € 16.000 – 20.000,-

Broken ribs in Mexico
There is no real treatment for this injury. For diagnostic reasons X-ray might be necessary and possibly a stay of maximum three days for observation in the hospital. Estimated costs, including the stay in hospital will be between € 800,- and € 2.000,-


 The people behind Membercare Insurance

EZA Verzekeringen has been a trusted advisor for missionary workers for more than 4 decades. Our experience in resolving difficult insurance challenges has made us an expert in the field of international health insurances. We work hard to offer the best healthcare plans for missionaries. We see it as our mission to relieve missionary workers from worrying about receiving proper healthcare abroad. With the Membercare Insurance policies we are able to continue serving our members worldwide. EZA Verzekeringen started as part of the EZA organization, now called MissieNederland, in an effort to provide Western-standard healthcare for missionary workers. For over 40 years we’ve been growing as an expert in this regard.

Please contact us at for more information, or call +31 (0)342 46 32 89
Membercare Insurance uses “Goudse Schadeverzekeringen N.V.” in the Netherlands as its insurer.